Protein In Legumes

By: Ron Lagerquist





Kidney Beans


Chick Peas


Broad beans


Split Peas


Soy Beans




Soy milk


 Legumes (beans and peas) come in hundreds of shapes, sizes and colors, and can be eaten raw, sprouted or cooked; ground into flour; curdled into tofu; and fermented into soy sauce, tempi or miso. They are excellent in chilies, soups and salads. Beans are high in iron and packed with protein. They are also a rich source of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, potassium, and phosphorus; and an excellent source of fiber and complex carbohydrates. They are low in sodium and saturated fats.

 For the price of one pound of beef, you can buy 6 or 7 lbs. of dried beans, equal to approximately 22 lbs. of cooked food. That is 22 lbs. of highly nutritious, cholesterol-free, fiber-filled food for one pound of fibreless, toxic beef. For tight budgets, it is the perfect food. Again, back to our beloved salad: I just love dumping a pile of canned beans, especially chick peas, onto my greens, turning what most see as a side dish into a full meal that will stay with you until bedtime.

There is no way we could possibly cover the thousands of varieties of legumes on the market today. My book Whole Foods and Healing Recipes provides all the information needed to tame the windy bean into delicious meals.

Related Article: Soy Protein

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