Companies spend more on headache medications than the government spends on nutritional education. Pain is big business. The most common are acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), Tylenol or ibuprofen. All three are hard on the liver and kidneys. Aspirin also triples the excretion rate of vitamin C.
Here is a quote from About Your Medicines. Too much use of aspirins during the last three months of pregnancy may increase the length of pregnancy, prolong labor, cause other problems during delivery, or cause severe bleeding in the mother before, during, or after delivery.
Prescription pain killers start at Tylenol Twos and Threes, and then increase in potency through Darvon, Fiorinal, Talwin and Percodan. Pain killers are hard on the liver and kidneys. They are addictive, cause constipation and kill intestinal bacteria. The body adapts to them extremely quickly, diminishing the drug's pain killing effect until the dosage is increased.
More than one out of twenty hospital deaths occur due to an adverse drug reaction. Prescription drugs often alleviate the symptoms for a while only to cause more problems later on. For instance, nitro glycerin is prescribed to relieve chest pains. It works to relieve the pain but does nothing to improve the disease. Painkillers do not assist healing, they interfere with it. Pain should be a strong motivator for dietary changes. Using prescriptions to subdue pain has a price. Increasing chemicals into the blood, increases metabolic imbalance and the risk of disease.
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