Omega 3 Fatty Acids In Salmon

By: Ron Lagerquist

"The modern diet is too high in omega 6 compared to omega 3 fatty acids, so it would make sense to eat more foods rich in omega 3 to even the scales."

Omega 3 Fatty Acids In SalmonThe verdict is out on what many of us have known for years: eating fish is good for you. Fish is easier to digest than chicken or beef, and if prepared wisely, is low in saturated fat. But the real magic is the oil cold-water fish produce within their bodies. Many of these fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and that is especially true of salmon.

The modern diet is too high in omega 6 compared to omega 3 fatty acids, so it would make sense to eat more foods rich in omega 3 to even the scales. The problem is, the enzyme our body produces to convert omega 6 is the same one that converts omega 3, and there are only so many available. One of the components that this enzyme converts from omega 3 is DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid), a very important element to human health. DHA is the primary building block of the brain cell membrane, which affects brain architecture in the central nervous system and has a direct influence on learning ability and intelligence. Fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring are high in DHA. Their bodies have already converted DHA from their omega 3-rich diet. Now you understand the science behind the adage “fish is brain food”.

 Here is a quick glance of what a multitude of studies are saying about the benefits of eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

  • lower incidence of heart disease and stroke 
  • anti-inflammatory 
  • reduced symptoms of certain bone/joint diseases 
  • lower risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease 
  • healthy brain function 
  • anti-depression

I do not recommend taking fish-oil supplements. Fish oil is highly unsaturated and will oxidize rapidly when exposed to light, heat and oxygen. But of even greater concern is the toxicity level of much of our ocean fish. You have greater control over knowing the type of fish you are buying for consumption than the source of commercial fish oil supplements. Stay away from oil supplements—besides, fish tastes better than a pill. Pacific or sockeye salmon is the lowest in contaminates like mercury, due to the fact that they are fast growing and live in relatively clean waters.

Our family eats two to three fish meals a week in the form of fresh grilled salmon with skin on, or canned sockeye salmon. Supper will always include a green salad or steamed vegetable. To grill fish, we use the George Foreman grill with a light mist of olive oil and seasonings. 

Related Article: Benefits of Essential Fatty Acids

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George Foreman grills remove fat. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of eating the fish? Or are Omega-3s not removed in the fat that comes out?
right on. I've been taking fish oil tablets, will switch canned or fresh salmon. Thanks for the article.
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