Food Has Become Big Business

By: Ron Lagerquist

“It is impossible to test the long-term effects of any man-made chemical on the human body.”

The very word additive ought to concern us. After all, who are these people and why are they adding these unpronounceable chemicals into your food? Have the billions of dollars that have gone into research and development of additives been with your health in mind? Unfortunately not. It all comes down to one basic motive―profit.

It was not the nation’s best nutritionists who were the early founding fathers of the human food-lots now found on every corner of North America. No, they were salesmen. Harland Sanders, founder of KFC, was a door-to-door insurance salesman. William Rosenberg started the same way, then later opened a small coffee shop in 1948 and called it Dunkin’ Donuts. Ray Kroc, considered a masterful salesman in perfecting the art of marketing to children, became the founder of McDonald’s. Used-car and door–to-door salesmen became administrators of the single most important component to North American health, what we eat. These junk food juggernauts have had near autonomy. Any government meddling with the natural flow of free enterprise has been viewed as socialist, because after all, fast food is just business.

Today there is government-enforced testing of new additives, but in reality, it is impossible to test the long-term effects of any man-made chemical on the human body. It is equally impossible to tell how these additives will impact the human cell when mixed together. Of course there is a foolproof test: feed them to millions of people, then stand back and watch. Like a grotesque and deformed herd of cattle, a sick, depressed, fat nation has been farmed into existence by the food industry, costing billions of health-care dollars. In response to our growing skittishness over increasing sickness, the same food industry then adopted the health craze. “Fortified”, “low-fat”, “high fiber”—these are improvements but mostly marketing ploys; a new face covering the same old motive―profit.

Of course there is more to it than just the additives in our food. The food industry loads processed fat, sugar and salt into their products because they are cheap and addictive. They use chemicals to change cheap, healthy raw materials into brightly-colored, taste-enhanced products with a long shelf life. Food producers buy the cheapest raw materials, manufacture the product as quickly as possible, and then sell it for the highest price. Good business sense, but what is lost in the manufacturing is the health of a nation.

Related Article: Why Junk Food Tastes So Good

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