You may have heard this slogan on the radio touted by a popular weight loss program. “You can eat the food you love and still lose weight.” The problem is we love the wrong kinds of food. The whole approach is shallow and wrong. Body fat is a visible and embarrassing symptom to a deeper issue and there is a real temptation to quick-fix the poundage away without dealing with the unhealthy lifestyle hidden behind pounds. As we have learned, most mainstream diet programs, although providing weight loss, are extremely unhealthy even dangerous to health. They do not deal in any meaningful way with the source of the problem lying concealed deep below the skin.
There is a lot of money to be made offering desperate people quick fixes. In good conscience, I cannot do this. This system will not hit the Diet Top Ten Chart because it forces uncomfortable change. There are no thrills or pills.
So here we are. You have fasted for 30 days and eaten raw for 15, and never felt better. Weight is off, a youthful vitality is returned, and you want to keep it all. The following are five principles, if followed throughout your life, will permanently establish vibrant health.
Increase the percentage of raw food in diet
- The number one thing you can do to extend health and vibrant living is increase raw food. Living food for a living body.
Eat natural unprocessed food
- Eat natural unprocessed whole grain foods and unrefined oils.
- Educate yourself on what is truly natural and what is often a marketing ploy. Read the ingredients; do not be fooled by labels.
Eat when hungry
- Overeating taxes the body, stores fat, creates excessive mucus.
- Eat slowly and enjoy. Chew food well to assist digestion
- Feed the body, starve the cravings, and don’t feed depression.
Fasting for spiritual and physical cleansing
- Regular periods of detoxification and cleansing through juice fasting or a raw food diet.
- Fasting can be a launching board to dietary change.
- A tranquil time of spiritual refreshment.
Exercise for mental and physical well being
- Exercise builds confidence and discipline.
- Cleansing the lymphatic system, increase metabolism for weight management. Better circulation, strengthened lungs and heart.
- Improved appetite and less fear of the occasional indulgence.
If you have not, read: Step 1, A Running Start
Related Articles: Weight loss Fasting Testimonies