Fasting: Day 3 – Doing Less With More Wisdom

By: Ron Lagerquist

Physical Side

One medium cantaloupe juiced; one glass of Welsh’s grape juice; a glass of pulp free orange juice; two large glasses of veggie juice. 
This morning I woke up fully in the fasting state. There was a deep calm throughout my body. The list of daily To-Do’s is far less important than the quiet times of prayer, reading and writing that I will be doing today. 

Spiritual Side

I looked forward to the stillness. As the days progress, just being will become more fulfilling then doing. That’s important for me and essential to spiritual awareness. When I start feeling like this is a waste of time, I remind myself that there will be lots of days, months, years full of doing after the fast. These few 25 days will allow my doing to be wiser, more targeted, resulting in improved productivity, working less with greater results. 

Today I will slow down and take stock. Readjusting focus on things that have gone out of focus and breaking a year’s worth of fear-based obsessive thinking that so quickly clutters the mind. It’s like clearing the junk piled up in the garage so you get to the important things. Fasting is like spring cleaning, clearing, organizing, simplifying down to what matters. A hated job but it sure feels good when done. 

Next Article: Fasting: Day 4 - Depression

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