Fasting - Healed of Lymphoma Cancer

Fasting Testimony By Paul Reid

"Despite strong opposition from the cancer specialist, I decided to cancel my diagnostic operation, scheduled for January, and instead go for 9 days of natural therapy."

I had been suffering from chronic fatigue for a number of years. I also suffered from colds and chest infections, which lingered on for months, sometimes requiring up to five courses of antibiotics to regain health.

In December 1996 I went for a CT scan which showed probable lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Although suffering from a persistent cough and in no condition to undergo surgery, I was strongly urged by the specialist to undergo diagnostic surgery as soon as possible. This was to find out the type of lymphoma so that appropriate treatment could be given.

My wife and I were given assurance by the specialist, claiming that 90% of all lymphoma cases are completely curable by chemotherapy. Because most cases of lymphoma are aggressive and fast moving, diagnostic surgery seemed urgent. This would involve removal of some lymph nodes deep down within the abdomen, which we were told would be a fairly 'tricky' operation.

Shortly after Christmas we were given the name of a health retreat in Queensland run by naturopaths. The retreat, Living Valley Springs, offered short-term live-in sessions involving fasting, colonic cleansing and natural therapy. At the same time we were reading as much information as we could get our hands on about natural therapy.

Despite strong opposition from the cancer specialist, I decided to cancel my diagnostic operation, scheduled for January, and instead go for 9 days of natural therapy. On returning home, there was no sign of the cough, and I felt much rejuvenated. As I continued with a strict diet and food supplements, as recommended by Living Valley Springs, my health continued to improve. We were gaining more and more confidence in natural therapy. We were also greatly encouraged by our local Christian naturopath who supplied herbal tonics and much valuable information.

Additionally, I went for prayer at a Christian church. Three people from the church, including the pastor, had a strong impression that I would be healed. This was to be a great source of encouragement later, when I experienced times of despair and depression. Each period of depression presented a battle which I had to fight with determination, holding on to the promise of life through faith in God, rather than focusing on the prospect of terminal illness.

Later in February I had a call, out of the blue, from the cancer specialist who explained that it was imperative that l submit myself for diagnostic surgery because there was a strong chance that the lymphoma was aggressive. I finally decided to go for the surgery. I was now feeling much stronger and able to face it. The surgery involved seven days in hospital, five of those days on an intravenous drip of saline solution. This was a fairly traumatic experience but I made a good recovery. I returned immediately to the strict diet and supplements.

Two weeks after the surgery we were called to discuss the results. Much to everyone's surprise, I was not in the 90% of curable lymphoma cases. I had a rare type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, (small-cell follicular), for which there was no medical cure. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy were ineffective on this type of cancer. The cancer was said to be fairly slow growing, which meant I had approximately four to seven years to live.

Instead of being shocked by the news, we were relieved. By this time we had done enough research on natural therapy to know that chemo and radiotherapy were not the only way. In fact we were relieved to be free from making the decision on which way to go. Because my cancer was slow growing, it meant that there was time for natural therapy to work. We also believed in the healing power of a mighty God who was working for us!

We continued to believe that God would heal by both natural and supernatural means. For me, obedience to a strict healthy diet, and making use of the healing properties in God's creation, played as much importance as our faith in the supernatural Creator. One year after diagnosis, I was no longer suffering from chronic fatigue. The occasional cold was thrown off within a week without resorting to antibiotics. In fact I have had no need of any antibiotics since starting on natural therapy. I was now feeling better than he had felt in five years!

Eighteen months after the diagnosis of the lymphoma, I decided to visit my cancer specialist to report my amazing good health. A physical examination showed that the spleen was quite normal and not swollen as it was previously. Neither was there any swelling of the lymph nodes. The specialist advised that there was no need for another CT scan, which involved some degree of exposure to radioactivity. The physical evidence was enough!

Related Article: Healed Of Ovarian Cancer 

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Follicula Lymphoma is actually one of the most treatable cancers, while it is not curable, average survival extends to a median of 32.5 years for those 60 and under at diagnosis, therefore 4 year life expectancy as suggested above is not a true prognosis. Follicular Lymphoma also frequently regresses spontaneously, without treatment in 15%-25% of cases. Facts matter to those who read sites like this one.
Thanks be to God for sustaining you, our daughter also has Hodgekins lymphoma and needs to have a scan to see if she is in remission , it's a real trial of our faith to trust in him. I'll pray for you.
Oh my god what a beautiful testimont. I feel comforted and sure i will also survive
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